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Word from the Principal

Good Sunday evening to everyone and Happy Mother's Day to all of our mothers
that make up our Panther community.  As I compose our last weekly update of this
school, please allow me to take the opportunity to thank all of you for the
support shown to our school, to our staff and to our students!  I would also
like to thank each of you for the support you have shown to the leadership team
during our inaugural year.  Each of us truly believes that the most important
reason we do what we daily is so that our students can succeed. 

Upcoming Events:

--Senior Luncheon/Activities--Breathitt House
--RHSBaseballvs. Christian Co. (H) 5:30
--RHSSoftball vs. Warren Central (H) 5:30

--5th Grade Transition Day (hosted by RHSAmbassadors) 9:00
--Senior Trip (Holiday World)
--RHS Spring Band Concert
--RHSBaseball vs.  Allen Co. (A) 5:30
--RHSSoftball vs. Trigg Co.  (A)  5:30

--Final Exams begin--2nd and 5th period classes will give finals today.

--Final Exams--1st, 4th and 7th periods
--8th Grade Trip (Beech Bend)
--RHSBaseball vs. Hopkinsville (A) 5:30

--Final Exams--3rd and 6th periods
--RHSBaseball vs. Trigg (A) 5:00
--8th Grade Promotional Ceremony--RHS Auditorium 6:30

--2013 RHSGraduation--Jim Young Gymnasium 10:00
--RHSBaseball vs. Madisonville (H) 1:00 --This will also be senior
recognition day.

Again, thank you for your continued support.  We look forward to planning
another productive and eventful year with our students!

Kimberly McDaniel

Russellville Jr./Sr. High School